Hi-End Fitness Nutrition and Personal Training
Rapid Fat-loss Nutrition - Value $199
At Hi-End Fitness Nutrition and Personal Training we recognize the importance of nutrition. After all you are what you eat! We like to start our clients off with a 90 day Nutrition and Personal training program. That program will give you everything you need to lose 15-41 pounds. Come in for your personal training session 3-4 times each week. Follow up your workouts with our 3 phase nutrition plan to take you from where you are right now to where you want to go! The first 21-30 days of our Personal training and Nutrition program is about our Rapid Fat-loss Nutrition program. This is where we determine how much of all nutrients your body needs. Everybody is an individual. We each have personal requirements for calories, protein and carbohydrates. We all have different favorite foods. We all have different times and schedules. We like to begin everyone with Rapid Fat-loss nutrition to establish your personal needs and boundaries. Working back and forth over the first 30 days will be the first task in establishing how much nutrition your body needs to lose fat fast!
30 Day 2 Step Natural Detoxification Nutrition Program- Value $199
After we have established your personal caloric boundaries and nutrient needs in the first 30 days the next thing we focus on is our 30 day detox nutrition program. This program is designed to determine if all of the foods that you are currently choosing are ideal for you or not. Let’s try removing some of your foods. Only the ones you want to or are willing to. We realize that everything that you decide to participate in is your choice. Why don’t you choose to experiment with the short term elimination of specific foods that are adding to your acidity and toxicity inside your body. By reducing your acid forming foods and replacing them with alkaline foods your body will return to it’s most natural state. Watch the fat drop fast as you alkalize your body with our 30 day detoxification Nutrition Program.
30 Day Custom Lifestyle Nutrition Plan- $199
After you’ve completed Rapid Fat-loss Nutrition and 30 Day detox Nutrition you will be read for the Customization process. Let’s determine the foods that are most effective for you, your lifestyle and your goals. Let’s create your personalized lifestyle nutrition. Let’s create something that is sustainable. Something that you love that produces the results that you want! We need you to be specific about your goals. We need you to decision about what you are ready to commit to with your nutriton and exercise for the long term. It’s your choices and your committments that make this program so successful. With education, motivation and accountability we will encourage you to make the right choices. Ultimately the power of choice is always with in you! We just help you bring it out and formulate your customized plan.
Get All 3 Nutrition Packages included in your 12 week Start up Program!
Click the appropriate link below to register for a Free Trial Transformation Session! Once you’re registered Dora or I will reach out to you by email or text messge. We will try to arrange a phone conversation time with you if possible. Let’s arrange a conveinient time for both of us to get together for a Free Trial Transformation Session.
In a Free Trial Transformation Session we can get a chance to discuss all aspects of the program. I can answer any questions you may have. I can determine what has blocked you from success in the past. I can plot out a plan to help you succeed this time.
In a Free Trial Transformation session you will get a chance to test drive my program completly. You will see if you like our workouts and if you feel comforatable to workout with us. We will get to see your current level of fitness and determine what will be necessary to help you move forward.